Registrar Committee

Official Keeper of Records

Registrar/Registrar Committee PURPOSE

What records are needed?

Important information about the New Group Registration process.

Registration is quick and easy with this on-line Form!

Nuevos Grupos por favor complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico a

Update your group Name, Location or Format HERE.

Nuevos GSRs, complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico

Updating your group G.S.R., Alternate G.S.R or mail contact is easy with this on-line Form.

Nuevos GSRs, complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico

Keep your D.C.M. information up to date HERE.

Nuevos DCMs, complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico a

If your District meeting Day, Time or Location changes please email

What About Meetings?

Keep Area 26 up to date on all your meeting details!

Contact with questions or concerns.

Making the Connection

Learn more about the importance of the Group, and its connection through the GSR and DCM


We’ve made GREAT PROGRESS reducing the number of groups with status UNKNOWN.  We had 86 in July and only 49 remaining!

Why does it matter?