KNL Winter 2022 – Message from the Incoming Archives Chair continued
Listed below are a few goals I have in mind for the next 2 years:
- Work with Archivist & Committee to establish guidelines for repository
- Make the Archives Repository POP!
- Bring Archives into the future
I will gladly share what these mean to me during our first committee meeting in January, and hope to hear some awesome feedback from other committee members as well.
Lastly, I am scheduled to host Open House at the Archives Repository each LAST SATURDAY of the month (10AM – NOON). Please be merciful as this is contingent on weather since I am drivng from up here in Hoosierland to 3499 Landsdown Drive in Lexington – see how I dropped that address in there? Crafty, huh?
Hope to see ya there and if not there at least at the Area in January. OMG! face-to-face meetings again…I am soooo excited!
Joy Mc., Archives Chair