With New Glasses I See continued
The snow falling is beautiful and as it lands and starts to pile up, look at how the lights gleam off it when the sun hits like a beautiful ray of snow rainbows dancing off it. The joy of a snowball fight, building of snowmen, and as I go to meetings, sometimes I bundle up, sometimes I get a ride. The smile brought to my face of the different houses the decorations, inflatables, and some nativity scenes stays; sometimes hearing the laughter of friends and family.
I know myself I struggled with the holidays last year because it was the first holidays sober in which I ate with my dog alone. I did enjoy some of the silence. I did attend in person meetings until we switched to the lovely ZOOM, but I connected enjoying the tranquility and beauty of it all. The peaceful moments watching the cardinals play and fly their little red bodies; the only color against the fluffy white snow, the shimmer of sun light bouncing off the ice cycles, all of this beauty while walking my dog.
It makes me grateful to see all this through new glasses and the many blessings that have come my way this year. Sobriety, fellowship, friends. May we all see through new glasses in the new year, smile, laugh, and be grateful for all the small beauties we so often dislike and grumble about.
Linda B., Serenity Sisters, District 23