Area 26 is a service body of Alcoholics Anonymous.   It covers all of Kentucky, and a few counties in Southern Indiana, Southern Ohio, and Northern Tennessee.


Alcoholics Anonymous in Kentucky

If you are looking for help with Alcoholism, please visit our Get Help Now page.

If you are looking for a Meeting in Area 26, please visit our Find a Meeting page. ___________________________________________________________________________


AREA 26 MAP The 93 Areas of Alcoholics Anonymous “hold an important position in the U.S./Canada General Service Conference structure. The areas are directly connected to the A.A. groups and their members through DCMs and GSRs. At the same time, they participate in the decision-making of A.A. through area delegates. At the heart of each area is the assembly meeting, where the democratic voice of our Fellowship expresses itself. While each area has the autonomy to conduct its meetings according to its conscience, Concept XII offers the General Warranties of the Conference as the guiding principles to remain democratic in thought and action.”                                             (A.A. Service Manual, pg. 18)

This website is designed for members of Alcoholics Anonymous to learn about General Service within A.A. and Area 26.  It contains general information about Area 26, its committees, how members of Alcoholics Anonymous are connected to AA as a whole, and offers ways to help the still suffering alcoholic.

If you are new to General Service, Welcome! Please visit our Welcome to Service page to learn more about how you can help carry the message.

If you are a new General Service Representative or a new District Committee Member, we have webpages to help you learn about your position.

ALL Events posted on this website are open to ANY member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Please join us in Fun and Fellowship.


             If you want to submit a flyer for an event, please email it to          Please note, the webmaster reserves the right to change the flyer to make it clearer, sharper, or add color to make it stand out a little more on the website. 



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